See our open positions

Senior developers for hire.

Brainify Bangladesh provides software developers to Norwegian customers. We code in whatever language our clients desire: Java, C#,, PHP, Javascript (React.js, Node.js, NEXT) or anything else. We are always looking for developers that are highly skilled and that has professional English writing and verbal skills.

Join our team, and be a part of what will be the best place to work in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
We are different, innovative and treat all our collegues with the respect they deserve.

The Norwegian company in Bangladesh.

Get colleagues across borders.

The three rules of the Norwegian Way


Everyone get a say


100% dedication


We care about your free time

Se more in our website

"The Bangla culture and the Norwegian culture are quite different
– but they are a great match, actually."

Johannes Holmedahl, founder of Brainify
An important part of our company is to know each other, and enjoy time and team building together.
Our leader group are leaders – and not bosses. We are here to support you, not to boss you around.
Our Norwegian colleagues join us in Dhaka 3–5 times per year, so we can work together.
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Questions about the positions?

Johannes Holmedahl
CEO, Norway
